The Team

The Team


Doug Taylor has devoted a considerable part of his career to trying to empower consumers to receive a fair deal. He has held a number of public sector and consumer-focussed positions, including as an elected councillor, a consumer advocate for the Consumer Council for Water, a campaign team leader in personal finance at Which?, and as a member of the FCA Consumer Panel.

Doug is bringing the claims through a not-for-profit company, Doug Taylor Class Representative Limited, set up specifically to bring the claims. He is the sole director and sole member of the company.


Doug has instructed Scott+Scott UK LLP as solicitors in these claims. 

Scott+Scott is a specialist dispute resolution firm, with extensive expertise in competition litigation. Scott+Scott is working with a very experienced barrister team from Brick Court Chambers and Matrix Chambers.


Doug has instructed Dr Peter Davis of The Brattle Group as expert economist who will develop an econometric model to prove the claims and calculate the losses to class members. Dr. Davis is an expert on competition damages actions, mergers and acquisitions, cartels, and market investigations. He is a former Deputy Chairman of the UK Competition Commission, now a part of the UK Competition and Markets Authority.


Woodsford is a leading ESG, access to justice and litigation finance business.  Since 2010, Woodsford has been helping to hold big businesses to account for its misconduct.  Whether it is helping consumers achieve collective redress when businesses abuse their market dominance, ensuring that inventors and universities are properly compensated when Big Tech infringes intellectual property rights, or helping shareholders in collaborative, escalated engagement up to and including litigation with listed companies, Woodsford is committed to ensuring that companies are held to the highest environmental, social and corporate governance standards and helping to deliver access to justice.